אלכסנדרה הרפרוי מישלר
Alexandra Herfroy-Mischler (Ph.D, Yoreh Yoreh) is an Associate Researcher at the Harry S. Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace. At the Hebrew University, she lectures on transitional justice in the Journalism and Communication Department as well as on Political Sciences and Counter-Terrorism at the Rothberg International School. She completed her Ph.D at the Department of Media Studies, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris. Her research evaluates the relevance of Transitional Justice as an academic field in protracted asymmetrical conflicts such as the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict as well as conflicts intertwined with terrorism/counter-terrorism issues. She is assessing how transitional justice's tools can facilitate grassroots encounters aiming at peace and reconciliation when official peace negotiations are on hold. She was recently ordained under the supervision of Israel Prize Winner Prof. Rav Daniel Sperber and rav Herzl Hefter after studying in the Kollel of Advanced Halacha of Beit Midrash Harel.