Col. (Ret.) Shaul Arieli
Col. Res. Shaul Arieli is a senior fellow and at Economic Cooperation Foundation, is among the leading negotiators who brought about the Geneva Initiative and is a member of the Council for Peace and Security. Arieli researches the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and is a supporter of its political processes. He is one of Israel's leading experts on the route of the separation barrier. He has served a s a commander in the Northern Brigade in Gaza, as a Deputy Military Secretary to the Defense Minister and Prime Minister's Office as the head of the negotiating team with the Palestinians during the tenure of four different Prime Ministers: Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak. He earned the status of “Friend of the Court” as a result of his petitions to the Supreme Court regarding the separation barrier. Arieli has published five books on the conflict, hundreds of articles in Israeli magazines and newspapers, and is frequently interviewed about various political processes and Israeli security. Arieli holds a Master's degree from the School of Business Administration at Tel Aviv University.